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Adriel House Publishing is a small independent publishing company and bookstore founded in 2022 by a husband and wife team with a shared mission of breaking down the barriers to creative publication. We strive to create a community of readers and authors who are passionate about sharing stories, ideas and perspectives. We believe in the power of creativity as we reflect the ultimate Creator.

Currently, Adriel House is working to publish the first novel in a 6 book series, Illyadra. This series is written by Adriel and we are so excited to bring the world to life. In addition to Adriel's novels, we dream of publishing more works from other independent authors. If you have a story burning within your soul but don't know where to start, we are happy to be a sounding board. Your voice matters. Your story is amazing. We would love to connect with you!




Author Bio

After hearing about heaven, for perhaps the first time, and learning about its unique timelessness, Adriel, at the age of four, returned the question, “Are there rivers in heaven?” Sure. Maybe there are rivers in heaven. “Then how do they move?” he asked.


What do you get when you cross a long lineage of whack a’ nut conspiracy theorists and spiritual liberators on the one side, and a long line, dating even to William Brewster, of theologians and indoctrinated reformers on the other? Adriel. You get Adriel.


From a very young age, Adriel was practically betrothed to his job: love everybody. Toddler him would shake his fists in the air, when asked what his job was, and shout to the world: TO LOVE EVERYBODY!


But an assortment of intense traumas would step in. And aloneness gave necessity to create fictions in the dark. Imagination bloomed in the absence. They say it takes a village to raise a child, but Adriel was raised by the village.


Continuing through boyhood, without any singular, real authority figure—granted, he had an army of mentors—Adriel developed an incredible leaning on the Lord. He went on to join mission organizations and he traveled the world for a long stretch of time, building churches in the jungle, running VPK systems, and teaching English.


“Illyadra” and the greater region of The Archeodon Series, played in the forefront of Adriel’s mind, constantly. Every bus ride, every airport, every pause in life’s rhythm was a retreat to Zoë. Even though writing it didn’t begin until 2018, its premise, characters, and setting had been in the works since 2011, while Adriel was still in the sixth grade.


Adriel considers it his mission to love everybody, especially those who are taught to hate what the Lord loves. He has a passion for fiction stories with Christian themes and gets really excited when he encounters one in the wild. Adriel loves philosophy, comedy, and drama, and hopes to weave all three into stories that are profoundly entertaining.


Adriel frequently plays frisbee with his dog, is attentive to instances that further the kingdom, and plays video games. You can find him on the publisher discord server, at this link:

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"Adriel House was a joy to work with. Their small team was quick, humble, and honest in their communications as we discussed the possibility of collaboration. "
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